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当前统计模型能真实地反映目标机动范围和强度的变化,是目前较好的实用模型。大量实验表明该算法在跟踪机动目标时具有良好的跟踪结果。然而实验中也发现该算法在跟踪具有加速度的目标机动情况时,其速度与加速度估计的动态时延明显位置误差较大,因此不能很好地实时反映目标的机动情况。因此需要进行新的调整参数的设定与比较,使其克服以上的缺点,文章借鉴强跟踪滤波器,在滤波器状态预测协方差矩阵中引入了加权因子并利用M atlab仿真技术,针对当前统计模型中对动态时延影响比较大的几个重要参数,进行了仿真对比和调整。跟踪结果表明:动态时延明显减小,位置误差大幅下降,达到了比较理想的跟踪效果。  相似文献   
为了实现陆基无人机电磁弹射器高机动性及其直线弹射电机的高功率密度,针对动圈式永磁直线直流电机,提出精英保留的多种群遗传算法(Multi-Population Genetic Algorithm with Elite Retention, MPGAER)的电机最大功率密度优化方法。以磁通密度和电流密度为约束条件,利用其搜索能力强、收敛速度快的特点优化电机的结构参数,并与磁路法初始设计结果和传统遗传算法优化结果进行比较。结果表明:与磁路法初始设计相比,MPGAER能使电机质量减少6.25%,功率密度提高10%,电机动态性能得到提高;MPGAER优化设计的电机功率密度高于遗传算法设计结果,所提方法有效地解决了在优化过程中出现易收敛于局部最优点和寻优效果差的问题。  相似文献   
In order to improve the infrared detection and discrimination ability of the smart munition to the dy-namic armor target under the complex background, the multi-line array infrared detection system is established based on the combination of the single unit infrared detector. The surface dimension features of ground armored targets are identified by size calculating solution algorithm. The signal response value and the value of size calculating are identified by the method of fuzzy recognition to make the fuzzy classification judgment for armored target. According to the characteristics of the target signal, a custom threshold de-noising function is proposed to solve the problem of signal preprocessing. The multi-line array infrared detection can complete the scanning detection in a large area in a short time with the characteristics of smart munition in the steady-state scanning stage. The method solves the disadvan-tages of wide scanning interval and low detection probability of single unit infrared detection. By reducing the scanning interval, the number of random rendezvous in the infrared feature area of the upper surface is increased, the accuracy of the size calculating is guaranteed. The experiments results show that in the fuzzy recognition method, the size calculating is introduced as the feature operator, which can improve the recognition ability of the ground armor target with different shape size.  相似文献   
Cyber operations are relatively a new phenomenon of the last two decades.During that period,they have increased in number,complexity,and agility,while their design and development have been processes well kept under secrecy.As a consequence,limited data(sets)regarding these incidents are available.Although various academic and practitioner public communities addressed some of the key points and dilemmas that surround cyber operations(such as attack,target identification and selection,and collateral damage),still methodologies and models are needed in order to plan,execute,and assess them in a responsibly and legally compliant way.Based on these facts,it is the aim of this article to propose a model that i))estimates and classifies the effects of cyber operations,and ii)assesses proportionality in order to support targeting decisions in cyber operations.In order to do that,a multi-layered fuzzy model was designed and implemented by analysing real and virtual realistic cyber operations combined with interviews and focus groups with technical-military experts.The proposed model was evaluated on two cyber operations use cases in a focus group with four technical-military experts.Both the design and the results of the evaluation are revealed in this article.  相似文献   
地面防空火力配系方案评估模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地面防空火力配系方案的选择,是防空兵火力配系的关键环节,其合理与否,直接关系到作战效能的发挥和防空作战的成败。根据防空作战的实际,提出了地面防空火力配系方案评估的准则,在对评估准则的建模要素进行分析的基础上,构建了每个准则的计算模型,并给出了评估模型的计算方法,提供了模型应用的一般程序。  相似文献   
基于USB接口技术对"通用雷达装备虚拟维修训练系统(URVMTS)"的人机交互系统进行研究,通过合理的软、硬件设计实现了系统的通用性。不同的实装操作部件经过适当的信号调理均可以通过该系统方便地实现与雷达虚拟样机之间的交互。着重介绍了交互系统的通用性设计与实现方法,包括系统的通用性设计方案,USB硬件电路的通用性设计及相应的软件开发。  相似文献   
提出一种电磁带隙结构交错排列的单脊波导缝隙相控阵天线,并与相同尺寸的普通单脊波导缝隙相控阵天线作比较。测试结果表明该天线的方向图得到了明显的改善,单元之间的耦合系数减小,背瓣的辐射电平显著降低,扫描特性得到了改善;同时也说明了电磁带隙结构可以取得比扼流槽更好的抑制表面波的效果。这对于提高单脊波导缝隙相控阵天线的辐射性能具有重要意义。  相似文献   
铝合金表面涂覆隐身吸波涂层脱落原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对某装备车体外脱落隐身吸波涂层样品的表面形貌、截面形貌、元素组成及含量分析,发现吸波涂层和Al2O3钝化层之间没有化学结合键,只存在物理吸附和机械结合,在外部环境的作用下,很容易引起隐身吸波涂层的脱落。  相似文献   
陆军诸兵种合同作战兰切斯特方程的弹药消耗预测研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
描述了诸兵种合同作战的兰切斯特方程及其矩阵解,提出了一种通过兵力损耗换算弹药损耗的新思路,分析和确定了用该方法预测弹药消耗的相关参数,最后运用Matlab进行仿真计算,预测出了武器装备战损情况和弹药消耗情况。  相似文献   
履带车辆负重轮路面反应谱的测试方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了直接在履带车辆负重轮轴上安装传感器测量路面反应谱的一种简便方法。通过实际的测量和分析获得了几种路面的反应谱,为履带车辆悬挂系统的振动实验提供了仿真计算依据。实验证明该测试方案及数据处理方法切实可行。  相似文献   
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